Food Classification Based on How it is Served
Food is very important for our body. It gives many useful nutritional support for us. A healthy food is a food that contains essential energy and good for our health. The food’s nutrition should also be balanced. Eating not just one kind of food in one time is better than just eating one kind of food. Food could be classified into three kinds based on how it is served, they are appetizers, main course and dessert. Appetizers is the first food that served right before the main course food served. It can be called as opening food. The appetizer usually served in a small portions. The function of this food is to fill your stomach, but not make it full. Sometimes, it comes with just about one hundred until one hundred and twenty grams. The examples of appetizers are salad, nachos, garlic bread, cream soup and many more. The second food is main course. It can be called as the main food that we eaten. It served after we finish our appetizers. Main course can be more heavy than ap...